Sefikura, SPORAZINE (feat. dev)

Sad-Sad Goes to Heaven, The Dollhouse

The Noose Lovers, Smoke and Mold

Bugwomb, Burning House Press
Collage hybrid collaboration feat. visual artist dev

Signal-Beams, Foglifter Journal Vol. 4 No. 2
Anthology finalist for 2020 Lambda Literary Awards


Moth Boy, Waxwing Magazine.
Re-printed in Name and None No. 3

Egg Mouth, Butter

Bitter, like Sweet, Nat. Brut
Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Stories of 2020

Aluminum Tongue, VENUS SATURN SQUARE anthology (print only)

A Hunger Boy, Heavy Feather Review

Looking-for-Group, GASHER Journal

Lizard Boy, Tenderness Lit

How to Start a Fire, GenderTerror

Picture Shows for Roadkill, The Indy

Himbo Tint My World, ENTROPY

Hysto, Argot Magazine

VA-11 HALL-A: Queer Spaces & Drug-Dream Fantasies, First Person Scholar

Masculine Queerness and Genre in Shōjo, Comics MNT

Ego Homini Lupus, Anomaly blog

Having a Panic Attack in the Auto Department, Paintbucket

Fanfiction and Queer Violence, The Fanzine

Sonic/Antoine Forever, Mammon Machine ZEAL

Selected freelance bylines. My games-related writing has been regularly featured on Critical Distance’s roundups. Featured links are selections.

Feeds: Crunchyroll, Fanbyte (my most recent freelance work, etc.)

Selected Bylines:

The Metal Gear Solid Novelization Is A Modern ClassicFanbyte (2020)

Romeo(s) Where Art Thou?Unwinnable (2019)

A Paradox of VisibilityBluestockings Magazine (2017)

How Games Are Taking Us Back to the Early Days of the InternetFanbyte (2019)

no mutants here (2016): >> Play on

The industry of the “horror novel” is bred from unknown plot-twists, hidden ambitions, and terrifying secrets. The haunted house, a mythological minotaur labyrinth, is that physical place where the (unwilling) participants of the mystery must escape from. Combining the labyrinth and the haunted house, “no mutants here” invokes the anxiety of barely being on the edge, finding yourself, finding space.

no mutants here is a short zine about anxiety, interactive fiction, and b-movie horror tropes. Developed in Twine.